Sunday, August 06, 2006

Actionscript 3 Performance

I am currently porting an Actionscript 2 game to Actionscript 3. The game has an isometric view and has collision detection, physics etc...

In the AS2 version if there were more than 6 blocks the game started to chug... as you can see from this demo I can place over 100 blocks on screen at once, all moving, with no slow down!

AS3 Performance Test


Anonymous said...

This demo is very slick. I would love to see the code. [I would sign an NDA and non-compete.] I just want to see your ideas/approaches on renderings and effects.

Anonymous said...


I downloaded and installed a Flash 9 Preview, and tried my OOP project programmed in AS2 to see the speed gain. I haven't noticed ANY! (?)

So: how to "enable" the AS3 processing speed?

ps. I also work on the isometric game... :-)


Anonymous said...

Wow, that is cool.

Can you guys post some of the code to do this?

Anonymous said...

Hey I was wondering what method you are using for depth sorting. If you could drop me a line

Anonymous said...

i would also like to know how you approach z-sorting. i am having a tough time with this in as3

Anonymous said...

this is a cool demo good work!

Anonymous said...

Okay, I'm finally sold on AS3.

I'm tired of flash games slowing down just because of the number of objs.

It's just such a hassle to buy the software, learn the software etc

CodingFather said...

I currently made the transfer to Actionscript 3 and I think it's quite a good stuff. Where did you learn about it? I learned from

viagra online said...

I think all games should have collision detection and physics applied because that is precisely what makes a good game.